Email DLP (Data Loss Prevention)

Fortify data loss prevention with visibility, control and security

Gatefy Email DLP analyzes outgoing emails to block any message and attachment that contain sensitive and confidential data. This gives you complete visibility into the information and data coming out from your business. Email DLP allows keeping intellectual property inside business, helping to meet legal and regulatory compliance.

Email Server syncronized with Gatefy's DLP solution.
Spining gears icon.

How Gatefy Email DLP works

Email DLP Chart.

1. Administrators of the solution have visibility and control over it, as well as support from Gatefy and its partners.

2. Emails that are sent by your organization may have secret and confidential information.

3. Gatefy DLP checks and validates emails according to your company policies, mitigating the risk of data loss.

4. Emails that contain sensitive information that mustn’t leave your business are blocked.

5. Emails are released when they don’t pose a risk to your company’s policy.

Lighten lamp icon.

Why use Gatefy Email DLP

Protect information and prevent data breaches

It’s difficult and problematic not to have control over the information and data that leave your company. There are of course malicious behaviors that lead to a data leak, but many data breaches are results of accidents due to lack of attention or knowledge from employees. A DLP solution helps protect your sensitive and secret business information, preventing breaches and losses.
Cadeado e senha como as ferramentas de cibersegurança.
Escudo da cibersegurança protegendo conteúdo de e-mail.

Stay compliant with legal regulatory

Our email DLP solution is very useful when your business needs to stay compliant with a number of data regulations and industry standard requirements. From the moment you can keep track of what happens to the information circulating through your email network, you’re safe to keep working since you can trust that employees are doing the right thing.

Educate your team and audit your own business

One of the best benefits of a DLP solution is to let your company’s employees understand, over time, what information are most important and, therefore, require more attention when being handled. In addition, Gatefy Email DLP helps you to perform an internal audit, giving visibility to the types of data and information that are leaving your company: from whom, to whom.
Cibersegurança check.
Fiting puzzle pieces icon.

Compatible with many email providers

Email DLP is compatible with G Suite, Office 365, Exchange and many other email services. It’s also possible to integrate it with security solutions that your company already works with.

O365 logo icon transparent background in png.

Microsoft Office 365

Exchange email logo.


Google Suite logo.

G Suite

Email provider icon.


Mockup do Gatefy Email Protection em computador com fundo transparente.

We’re almost ready to launch our Email DLP solution

Talk to our sales team to have more information.